Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rain, rain, come and stay! Make me a Happy Panda alllll day!

Today, from the very beginning, has been absolutely...pretty much wonderful. <3
My day starts off with a nice summer thunderstorm.
I love you, Texas.
When you're not being a bastard, that is. Either with your droughts, tornado's, hail, or fuggin ice storms...
Give it a rest!

The day began with Chris leaving for work, his first day at his new job. <3
I wished him a good day, and told him I loved him...then listened to the rain for a bit... Eventually Malachi got up and came into my room to snuggle.


Then the Terminix technician came 20 minutes early... Ugh. LOL
I wasn't even up...I get up, I brush my teeth, and somewhat brush my hair...I answer the door, let him do his thing...

Take that spiders!

I guess the lack of water/rain has made them seek it out in our house...Lesson learned...for them.
After the technician left, Malachi and I, got some brunch from Wendy's...came home and watched Shrek Forever...that movie was tooo0o0o cute!

That was my favorite scene!
When Chris got home, I made him sit down and watch this too...we lol'd.
Chris came home at a surprisingly early hour, caught me in the middle of folding laundry, and watching brainmeltinglyhorribleforyou T.V.... lol

He brought me home Starbucks, and he was so excited to tell me about his day! The company bought him a brand new pair of steel toe Doc Marten boots! Gave him a little hard hat with his name on it, he's got his own locker and such...They offer cleaning services for the uniforms they also provide... Any overtime he gets, he KEEPS! How exciting!!! He met all his mangers/supervisors today, and they took him out to lunch! He was just so happy, and excited...he's really looking forward to progressing, and getting to know these people better. He told me they have big to-do Christmas parties, (I'M SO EXCITED!!!!) he knows I look forward to stuff like that! And this year he'll actually want to go to his own company Christmas party! lol!
The best part was that everyone he talked to, in a no bullshit sort of way, told him they were happy there, and that it was a great company.

After starting at HD we both discovered groups of people who were like, "FML", and "I'm going to burn this mother down!" LOL

That was just the mentality one takes on, after so many years of soul sucking...I know, I experience it. I just "celebrated" my 4th year.

Hopefully...my final. *fingers and toes crossed*

I got a lot done around the house today, in hopes that I can get to Malachi's room tomorrow. It requires a MASSIVE amount of re-organizing. That boy has TORE IT UP, and of course moving my office junk in there has not helped...Oh well, room mate is gone, so my office is now available. ;)

I just have to re-locate that junk so I can re-do his room, then I'm off to re-claim my office...with a bit-o-paint. My fav. lol

Some things have been occurring lately on Facebook, that I no likey. Like...Stop fucking suggesting people, that I thought I had blocked! Can't you MIND READ? Geeze. The ad's on the left make me think you can! lol....
This should be under, "People You May Not Want to Know."

On a happier note, today I signed up for my very first crochet class!
Everything I do has been self-taught, but my grandmother initially taught me when I was 8...I never bothered to learn to read a pattern...it's my own damn fault. Lately I've been following some, and I can work my way through it, but I felt like I was ready for a bit more formal training.
The best thing about this crochet class is it's geared towards curvy crocheter's! It discusses techniques and tips for plus size clothing articles, and how to adjust patterns, etc etc etc...it even has a pattern, and it discusses making a dress form...and it's alllll onlineeeeeee!


So cheers to things looking brighter, and Texas getting some more, and very much so, needed rain!<3<3<3

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ettiquette for the Ignorant.

My dad and stepmom surprised me this afternoon by wanting to take me out for my birthday! It's 2 weeks early, but they were just making sure they could spend some time with me.

I do adore my family.

I suggested Cheddars, because Chris and I love it, and it's just plain ol' good eats!

Forgetting it's Sunday, and that we chose to go around noon...We were bombarded with people who just got out of church...Dear Lord save us.

So, we're sitting in the little waiting area waiting for our name to be called, and across from us is sitting a family. The family consisted of a VERY improper female, who was wearing a skirt. The skirt had a split up the center of it, and she was sitting on the bench as if she were riding a horse, damn near...I was...disgusted to say the least. They kept eyeballin' us and it was pissing me off.

Darling, this is how a real lady sits, with her legs TOGETHER. I'm not airin' out my junk, and I'm damn sure not showing it off, AFTER CHURCH.


We're finally called so we go in head inside, Chris gets stuck holding the door for a bunch of inconsiderate assholes...nothing gets under my skin more, than when someone does not say, "Thank you."

That's it! It's two fucking words, and you act like you're too good to say it. Definitely not too good to let ANOTHER man whole the door open for your family! That's for sure!

So...we sit down, we eat, the meal was great...Tammy and my Dad loved it... the waiter was great! We go to leave...Chris is in front, and it takes us a bit to weave in and out of all the people, it's really really busy in there. We get to the door, and Chris goes to open it for me, and I am face to face with a very VERY tall man carrying a car seat. I move out of the way, because he is not hesitating to knock my ass down...Then I see behind him a whole family of (his) fucktards waiting to come through...

Not today. The door closest to them was unused, it just wasn't being held open for them. I threw my elbows around until I got them out of the way, the whole time saying, "No..no no!"...lol...I heard one of the tard's say "Okay!" and go for the other door.

Good choice, idiot.

Just because...your man isn't decent enough to hold the door open for you, doesn't mean MINE has to be. And you know what, coming from someone who knows, carriers only require ONE hand. Especially on a man that size.
So, they can suck it.

After lunch we decided to go to Town East Mall....I had no fucking idea it would be as busy as it was, this shows, we do not get out often enough.

We get there, we park, we go in...we go into some ghetto ass pet store that was HORRIBLE.

There were bunnies there with congestive issues, and ulcers on their eyes (grossssss)...it was SO sad. :(...

There were birds with their feathers picked off, dirty fish tanks, and all the animals had dirty water bowls.

We washed our hands after leaving...there was just no excuse for the cruelty I had witnessed in there.

It's bad enough these animals are subjected to children finger fucking their cages, at all times of the day...

...we wander further into the mall...looking for a Starbucks...this is my problem at this point, no caffeine. :/

We find the mall directory and we walk up to it...Well...Some blonde fourteen year old bitch thought she'd slam into me, and as she's walking away say, "Stop in front of me why don'tcha!" ....
Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have fucked with? That's me.

She must not have known that. SINCE she probably was underage, and my family was with me...I only said, "YOU can walk around." She looked back, and then turned around and kept walking. LOL

If you wake up in the morning, and you put on your big girl panties, and you're feeling froggy enough to talk shit...you SHOULD be able to back it up too, right? Isn't that like...common courtesy?

At the very least?

Don't get me excited, and then not produce!

I guess I'm just raging... lol... Crazy woman hormones and such...I love being female.

I don't know why men aren't injecting Estrogen as a steroid! So what if it makes you want to sew and carry a purse! That's just one more thing you can beat down a mother fucker with.

Just saying...

Let's talk about etiquette for a second! (Or really fucking good rules to live by.)

  1. Sit with your fucking legs closed. No one wants to see your business, not even God.
  2. If you're going to mouth to an elder, you better be able to handle what happens next.
  3. ALWAYS hold the door open for a lady. Always. I don't care if you are carrying the baby.
  4. Do not speed through a gas station parking lot, causing me to almost T-bone you, like you're fucking speed racer. I will find you at the stop light.
  5. Always offer your guests a drink when they visit.
  6. Remove your shoes before entering a guests house, if they ask you to.
  7. Try to remember to wear panties when you wear a short skirt. :/
  8. When you're getting it on with your teenage girlfriend, shut your fucking bedroom door.
  9. Don't talk trash about your girlfriend in front of other girls, it will be seared into their memory forever...to haunt you.
  10. Always say thank you when someone wishes you a, "Happy Birthday".

Okay, that's it....Now I feel better! :D

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tres Leches Cake

Last Friday, Chris and I were invited to a Cuban Dinner Party. I had really high hopes for this event! When I mentally made up my mind that I was going, before consulting Chris of course, I set out on some research…I had never made, or had anything Cuban before. We mostly eat Tex-Mex, Asian, and the occasional authentic Mexican. Once we had Salvadorian, and it was pretty good, the meat was a little curious…but the experience was unique*!

I Googled “Cuban Recipes” and it came up with This Link I perused through it, and decided there was nothing on there I was really excited about making…until I got the desserts tab! I found a few recipes I was intrigued by and read the ingredients to Chris to ask him his opinion. He decided he wanted me to make the Mojito Cake recipe…He’s a coconut lover. I consulted the party Hostess to get her opinion, and find out if anyone had decided to bring a cake. She told me that no one had mentioned it yet, and suggested Tres Leches Cake.

A light bulb went on…

I had been intrigued by Tres Leches Cake since I found out a co-worker had it as one of her tiers on her wedding cake! I had always assumed it was a Mexican dessert…I even scrolled right past it on the Taste of Cuba website…like a dummy.

With really wanting to make the Mojito Cake, for Chris, I also wanted to try the Tres Leches Cake, out of curiosity. I decided to make both, because let’s face it, I’m a sucker for baking…and CAKE!

I did a little bit of research on the cake, and discovered that no one really knows the origin of the cake…But it’s said to be believed, by most historians, that it came from Nicaragua. Cuban’s at some point adopted it, and loved it, I assume…lol… I’ve even seen a Dominican recipe for it. Everyone has their own take on it, but I’ll be discussing mine, which came from a Moroccan food website.

So, the day of the party I purchased all the ingredients, and set out to making my sweet confections!

…I multi tasked in the kitchen, because I’m a bad ass like that. For the first time, I also made Pho Bo. I was super excited to surprise Chris with it! In hindsight, the smells in the kitchen were a little odd at first, but I could decipher through both...lol…When Chris came home I was checking on the Tres Leches Cake, and the entire kitchen filled up with the aroma of vanilla! It was beautiful…then Chris raised the lid to my stock pot, and the beef overwhelmed the vanilla…lol. It wasn’t by any means gross, one cancelled the other out…It wasn’t an olfactory assault, but a joy ride. Or at least that’s how I want to view that. Lol…

Tres Leches Cake!

I followed pretty much that recipe, and the video was great! I just did things a tiny bit different, because I do things differently like that. I used a chop stick too, not a straw, or a fork…Just personal preference.

Now for some Eye Candy...

Mojito Cake (For my darling<3)

Naked, ugly, Tres Leches Cake...

Beautiful, covered in home made whipped cream, Tres Leches Cake!<3

I really, really, really enjoyed making these cakes! The smells, the experience...it was all interesting and amazing. By the way, the Mojito Cake recipe was found on the Taste of Cuba website, here.

So, we went to the dinner party, lovely cakes in tow, and everyone seemed to love the Tres Leches Cake. Only one person really seemed to like our Mojito Cake. Chris enjoyed the heck out of it!!! We stopped by Starbucks on the way home, to see our second family...lol...We gave them pieces and they gobbled it up, they loved the Mojito Cake. We left the Tres Leches Cake leftovers at the party. We went home with very little cake, which was soon demolished the next day by Chris... hehe.

All in all, I will be making the Tres Leches again, and the Mojito Cake if Chris wants me to! I really want to make some more Tiramisu, another favorite dessert of ours...We make it with a double chocolate stout...it's...delicious...in the worst way.

Another thing that really disturbed me, just about every Tres Leches recipe on youtube involved a box mix...and I thought to myself, "Why would someone do that?"

Do it right, or not at all!

Now, I must end this...It's time for dinner... Chris is taking me to Pancho and Lefty's for the first time. I'm excited!

*Meaning we escaped with our lives, out of the ghettos of McKinney…


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Affirmation!

I'm determined to stay positive with my job search! There's hope! There is always hope, and never give up! Chris starts his new job Monday, and we're both really excited! Relieved as well...Relieved that there is one less thing to stress about! A few less things actually... I can't wait! Since he'll be working in the evenings (4) days a week, I'll have quiet evenings with Malachi! I can't wait to get him back into school and on a regular schedule!!! Yay! I think I might set his new bedtime to 8...and not 9/10... Yes... 8... Quiet time for Mama... Important. Hehe. I love being a mom, it's stressful/hard/challenging/frustrating at times... But the GOOD and AMAZING far FAR FAR outweigh the moments when I feel like pulling my hair out..my hair is still there so, I'm doing pretty well. Or at least I like to think. Hehe...

On other news...I have an interview in the morning...so good luck to me...

  • Chris starts Monday....
  • Still waiting on the call from Mally's school....
  • I'm determined to get a lot done to Mally's room (repainting) this next week...
And...that sums it up! That's what I'm looking forward too!

This is really blurry, I know...forgive me...I had to zoom on my iphone...So that's Stanky our youngest "boy", and he's climbing on the credenza...to the left is the (se)Xbox and beside it (the greenness) are a few games that we had out...in the floor are a few DVDs we've been watching, and just neglectfully left out.
We're bad parents...forgive us... lol.
So Stanky, moments after I took this picture, felt it was necessary to drag TWO of the xbox games off the credenza with his mouth...I was quite impressed...Oh and by the way the DVD's were stacked neatly, he scattered them... lol...
I love my fuzzies! They're soo funny!
I really wanted to walk on the bridge tonight since the weather is LOVELY...but...no one to go with, and now I'm just too tired. Oh well. I'll make up for it! I've kind of set a goal for myself, to walk 10 miles a week. I think it's feasible...That's 2 miles one night (around the neighborhood), and two 4 mile nights with Mystie on the bridge...It's feasible, it's just a lot of driving on my part... I really need to look into a good route around here that's 2 miles, then I could walk that 5 days a week.
I will figure it out regardless!


I am worth fighting for.

I am alluring.

I am intriguing.

I am captivating.

I am a symphony of Beauty.

-I borrowed this from Delicate Woman.-