Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tres Leches Cake

Last Friday, Chris and I were invited to a Cuban Dinner Party. I had really high hopes for this event! When I mentally made up my mind that I was going, before consulting Chris of course, I set out on some research…I had never made, or had anything Cuban before. We mostly eat Tex-Mex, Asian, and the occasional authentic Mexican. Once we had Salvadorian, and it was pretty good, the meat was a little curious…but the experience was unique*!

I Googled “Cuban Recipes” and it came up with This Link I perused through it, and decided there was nothing on there I was really excited about making…until I got the desserts tab! I found a few recipes I was intrigued by and read the ingredients to Chris to ask him his opinion. He decided he wanted me to make the Mojito Cake recipe…He’s a coconut lover. I consulted the party Hostess to get her opinion, and find out if anyone had decided to bring a cake. She told me that no one had mentioned it yet, and suggested Tres Leches Cake.

A light bulb went on…

I had been intrigued by Tres Leches Cake since I found out a co-worker had it as one of her tiers on her wedding cake! I had always assumed it was a Mexican dessert…I even scrolled right past it on the Taste of Cuba website…like a dummy.

With really wanting to make the Mojito Cake, for Chris, I also wanted to try the Tres Leches Cake, out of curiosity. I decided to make both, because let’s face it, I’m a sucker for baking…and CAKE!

I did a little bit of research on the cake, and discovered that no one really knows the origin of the cake…But it’s said to be believed, by most historians, that it came from Nicaragua. Cuban’s at some point adopted it, and loved it, I assume…lol… I’ve even seen a Dominican recipe for it. Everyone has their own take on it, but I’ll be discussing mine, which came from a Moroccan food website.

So, the day of the party I purchased all the ingredients, and set out to making my sweet confections!

…I multi tasked in the kitchen, because I’m a bad ass like that. For the first time, I also made Pho Bo. I was super excited to surprise Chris with it! In hindsight, the smells in the kitchen were a little odd at first, but I could decipher through…When Chris came home I was checking on the Tres Leches Cake, and the entire kitchen filled up with the aroma of vanilla! It was beautiful…then Chris raised the lid to my stock pot, and the beef overwhelmed the vanilla…lol. It wasn’t by any means gross, one cancelled the other out…It wasn’t an olfactory assault, but a joy ride. Or at least that’s how I want to view that. Lol…

Tres Leches Cake!

I followed pretty much that recipe, and the video was great! I just did things a tiny bit different, because I do things differently like that. I used a chop stick too, not a straw, or a fork…Just personal preference.

Now for some Eye Candy...

Mojito Cake (For my darling<3)

Naked, ugly, Tres Leches Cake...

Beautiful, covered in home made whipped cream, Tres Leches Cake!<3

I really, really, really enjoyed making these cakes! The smells, the was all interesting and amazing. By the way, the Mojito Cake recipe was found on the Taste of Cuba website, here.

So, we went to the dinner party, lovely cakes in tow, and everyone seemed to love the Tres Leches Cake. Only one person really seemed to like our Mojito Cake. Chris enjoyed the heck out of it!!! We stopped by Starbucks on the way home, to see our second gave them pieces and they gobbled it up, they loved the Mojito Cake. We left the Tres Leches Cake leftovers at the party. We went home with very little cake, which was soon demolished the next day by Chris... hehe.

All in all, I will be making the Tres Leches again, and the Mojito Cake if Chris wants me to! I really want to make some more Tiramisu, another favorite dessert of ours...We make it with a double chocolate' the worst way.

Another thing that really disturbed me, just about every Tres Leches recipe on youtube involved a box mix...and I thought to myself, "Why would someone do that?"

Do it right, or not at all!

Now, I must end this...It's time for dinner... Chris is taking me to Pancho and Lefty's for the first time. I'm excited!

*Meaning we escaped with our lives, out of the ghettos of McKinney…


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