Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rain, rain, come and stay! Make me a Happy Panda alllll day!

Today, from the very beginning, has been absolutely...pretty much wonderful. <3
My day starts off with a nice summer thunderstorm.
I love you, Texas.
When you're not being a bastard, that is. Either with your droughts, tornado's, hail, or fuggin ice storms...
Give it a rest!

The day began with Chris leaving for work, his first day at his new job. <3
I wished him a good day, and told him I loved him...then listened to the rain for a bit... Eventually Malachi got up and came into my room to snuggle.


Then the Terminix technician came 20 minutes early... Ugh. LOL
I wasn't even up...I get up, I brush my teeth, and somewhat brush my hair...I answer the door, let him do his thing...

Take that spiders!

I guess the lack of water/rain has made them seek it out in our house...Lesson learned...for them.
After the technician left, Malachi and I, got some brunch from Wendy's...came home and watched Shrek Forever...that movie was tooo0o0o cute!

That was my favorite scene!
When Chris got home, I made him sit down and watch this too...we lol'd.
Chris came home at a surprisingly early hour, caught me in the middle of folding laundry, and watching brainmeltinglyhorribleforyou T.V.... lol

He brought me home Starbucks, and he was so excited to tell me about his day! The company bought him a brand new pair of steel toe Doc Marten boots! Gave him a little hard hat with his name on it, he's got his own locker and such...They offer cleaning services for the uniforms they also provide... Any overtime he gets, he KEEPS! How exciting!!! He met all his mangers/supervisors today, and they took him out to lunch! He was just so happy, and excited...he's really looking forward to progressing, and getting to know these people better. He told me they have big to-do Christmas parties, (I'M SO EXCITED!!!!) he knows I look forward to stuff like that! And this year he'll actually want to go to his own company Christmas party! lol!
The best part was that everyone he talked to, in a no bullshit sort of way, told him they were happy there, and that it was a great company.

After starting at HD we both discovered groups of people who were like, "FML", and "I'm going to burn this mother down!" LOL

That was just the mentality one takes on, after so many years of soul sucking...I know, I experience it. I just "celebrated" my 4th year.

Hopefully...my final. *fingers and toes crossed*

I got a lot done around the house today, in hopes that I can get to Malachi's room tomorrow. It requires a MASSIVE amount of re-organizing. That boy has TORE IT UP, and of course moving my office junk in there has not helped...Oh well, room mate is gone, so my office is now available. ;)

I just have to re-locate that junk so I can re-do his room, then I'm off to re-claim my office...with a bit-o-paint. My fav. lol

Some things have been occurring lately on Facebook, that I no likey. Like...Stop fucking suggesting people, that I thought I had blocked! Can't you MIND READ? Geeze. The ad's on the left make me think you can! lol....
This should be under, "People You May Not Want to Know."

On a happier note, today I signed up for my very first crochet class!
Everything I do has been self-taught, but my grandmother initially taught me when I was 8...I never bothered to learn to read a pattern...it's my own damn fault. Lately I've been following some, and I can work my way through it, but I felt like I was ready for a bit more formal training.
The best thing about this crochet class is it's geared towards curvy crocheter's! It discusses techniques and tips for plus size clothing articles, and how to adjust patterns, etc etc etc...it even has a pattern, and it discusses making a dress form...and it's alllll onlineeeeeee!


So cheers to things looking brighter, and Texas getting some more, and very much so, needed rain!<3<3<3

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