Wednesday, December 28, 2011

No 'poo for you!

I debated a *while* deciding whether, or not I discuss this openly.

I decided I'm really not going to volunteer this information...

"HI! My name is Kayla, and I haven't washed my hair in a week."
I am sharing this with my family, and most of my friends?

At least to the ones I think will understand...which makes me re-evaluate why I'm friends with those who I would worry about judging me...

Let's pretend I don't have "friends" like that...and discuss...

I'm on Day 5!
I've been documenting the process...notes here and I'm picking up from other people.

The only Negatives I see at this moment:
  1. Static!-Nothing a little water won't cure.
  2. "2nd day" dirty feeling.
  3. Muscle memory?

I wonder if my shampoo addiction is like Chris' former smoking addiction...he just didn't have to buy it anymore, and that was it.

There is still a bottle in the shower caddy, it's Chris'...My bubble bath also doubles as a shampoo, or so it says...resist. resist. resist!

I really have only missed 5 days. Once was on day 2, I just missed the routine. And today I was a little sad, but then I realized...I woke up with NO ACNE, and my scalp hasn't itched all dayyyyy!

The freedom, my greasy hair has allowed me so far! LOL

It's not all unicorns and rainbows, there's an adjustment period. That's what I'm going through right now, and It's gross. I won't lie.

My brushes get dirty quicker, because now they're pulling double duty. They're removing my hair of the lint/dirt/distributing a white buildup has appeared on a few of my brushes.

But that's okay! Nothing a little hot water, and a tiny bit of hand soap and a good comb can't cure. When I was cleaning the hair off of them, I found very little...So I wonder if that's because I'm losing less hair? Is that possible? I haven't heard anything else of that sort in any other review...

Everyone's experience is different though.

Here's my experience so far:


I'm using 1 tbsp of baking soda per 8 oz hot water, shooken up in an old upcycled bottle. I'm using a dial handsoap bottle, with a pump. I find this easy to distribute onto my scalp this way. I massage it in, let it sit for a minute, and then rinse it completely out.


Same mixture, but with apple cider vinegar (1tbsp:1cup) in an old bubble bath bottle, I just pour a bit on my hair, massage onto ends, let sit for a minute, rinse.

Day 1: Washed hair on 3rd day dirty hair. Completely rinsed out the cider vinegar (fearing the smell). Hair stayed in a ponytail all day. Had a few flakes/itchiness. Brushed hair out before bed, lots of static, kinda greasy at the roots, Feels really dry towards the ends. Better than expected! Looking forward to tomorrow.

Day 2: Christmas Day, definitely decided to wash again. Read a review last night about a lady doing the same thing. So, this inspired me to do two things; 1.) brush more often. 2.)really concentrate the baking soda mixture on my scalp/roots/bad spots that tends to flake. When I washed I did concentrate on my whole scalp, and the rinse with the cider vinegar was quick because I had overslept, and my parents were already here. I didn't, as thoroughly, rinse it out either...Kinda my choice. I combed the crap out of it, and then brushed it, but it still felt like 2nd day dirty hair. The ends were still extremely dry. Around 10 pm I decided to brush it again to distribute the oils...Still feels much oilier up top, and dryer at the bottom. My ends tangle really easily. The vinegar smell was not an issue with me. It does disappear when my hair is drying. Also the review I read stated the woman missed the scent of her girlie shampoos so, she would spray perfume on her brush and then brush her hair. I tried this method too before we went to eat lunch around 2 pm. Today I brushed my hair a total of 3 times. I pan to do some more before bed, and really concentrate on it. (Twice more before bed.) Making an effort to sleep with it down tonight, didn't do that the last two nights.

Day 3: A full 2 hours late for work so I didn't get to wash my hair. Brushed it before work, still had a few flakes from last night. I did the perfume "trick" with my brush, and put it up for work in a low bun. Brushed it again 6 hours later after getting home. Doesn't really feel that much dirtier than what I consider "2nd day dirty". Brushed before bed.

Day 4: I brushed and washed my hair today. Before washing it, it was gross. I didn't have a problem combing/brushing through it this morning (wet). I let it dry down, but ended up putting it in a clip at work. (I'm weak.) Brushed it after getting home, and wore it down for a bit. It's up again, but I try to brush it every time I go to the bathroom. I wonder if I should brush it so much right now? I know it's good to distribute the oils, but could I over do that? Still flaky.

Day 5: Woke up today with NO acne, or itchiness. How awesome is that? I don't even think I ever considered my hair/acne being linked together. Washed 2 combs, and 2 brushes I've been using. Didn't pick a lot of hair out of any of them...interesting.

I'm going to try some different things...

  • I'm going to boil the water for my "shampoo/conditioner" for my next batch. I think we have hard water here.
  • Going to focus the ACV on the ends of my hair only, not my scalp.
  • I'm going to get a shower cap, and try to wash my hair MAYBE every 3 days, work my way up to once a week?
  • Do a lemon juice rinse, to see how my hair reacts.
  • Concentrate on REALLY towel drying my hair after washing it.

I need a funnel, it'd make pouring the crap into the bottles SOOOO much easier. lol

A little background on my hair:

Naturally blonde, but I dye the shit out of it, and have since I was 12 years old.

I have SERIOUS scalp issues, total drag.

Very fine, limp, hair.

It can be baby soft and shiny when I wash it, but the very next day it's disgusting.

What inspired me to start doing this?

One word: Malachi.

I noticed the other day, that he has the same scalp issues that I did...I didn't get mine (or I guess realize it?) until I was in the 5th grade (way before I started dying my hair, asshole dermatologist guy.) and the only thing that helps it is some steroid shampoo thats over $200.00.

So...yeah...I don't want my son to have to go through what I did. My purpose (part of it anyway) is to prepare him, prepare him into being an excellent human being. Part of that requires he have self esteem, and I really feel like my scalp condition has robbed me of some of that growing up. I never enjoyed people playing with my hair, I didn't want them to discover my dirty secret.

But here it is. All of it. Out in the open.

Wish me luck! <3

Baby, get ready...

I don't want to get all caught up in the whole "New Years Resolution" BS...BUT...I can't help it. As part of my personality, I enjoy planning things, making lists, mapping shit out. It's just how I'm programmed. With that being said...I am a complete Pinterest junkie.

Oh. My. God.

It's so bad. I have over 1800 pins..but it's a love/hate kind of thing.
The website tends to be slow sometimes, and the app on my phone crashes..and freaks out..and..well...I'm a junkie. I can't help it. I have to get a fix and see funny stuff/yummy stuff/creative stuff..ALL THE TIME NOW.

Let's face it...I'm kind of an "outcast" anyway.

But I've come to terms with that...or I'm transitioning into that part of my life, where I "come to terms" with it.

As in...a fuck less I give. :)

I did read an article the other day about how creative people are usually more "eccentric".

Well, there ya go.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! I sure as hell did!

Our tradition is to eat Chinese on Christmas day, and this year my Dad and Stepmother joined us. :)

I enjoyed wrapping all the prezzies, and curling ribbons...decorating...etc...Lots of fun!

I even wrapped presents at work!

I'm glad it's over though...I was tired of fighting the fuzzies off the prezzies. -_-

They still enjoy playing under the tree skirts... lol.

Santa brought them a huge new hammock to snuggle up on...and treats!

Santa brought us a lot too... ;)

Grill, crock pot, Hello Kitty blanket (with sleeves...), Spongebob Shaving kit, etc...

Yeah...the Hello Kitty Blanket...(with sleeves)...Chris feels I should hide this from company, but I insist if it's laid a certain way, no one notices the sleeves...or we could hang it up like a robe. LOL

Some news that has surfaced recently, my unofficial-sister-in-law is Pregggeerrrs!!!

4 months worth!

I'm kind of excited, but it's hard to resist... For some reason I'm extremely passionate about pregnancy/labor/delivery, taking care of a baby/parenting in general...

And I don't want to be one of those people cramming "useless" advice down your throat, when you least want to hear it.

I also...don't want to be one of those people with all the "horror" stories. lol

So...I'm going to do my *best* to keep my mouth shut.

Maybe I'll limit myself to offering advice, only when it's asked of me? That seems fair.

I'll do that. :)

There's very few like-minded individuals, who think similarly to me. Or even have the same ideals, goals, and values.

One of those few people, I share a bed with. Maybe that's why we work so well?

Our goals are the same?

So much has been kind of happening!

Had the pleasure of hanging out with our friends as of late. It's been nice seeing them, and hopefully we'll get a lot (or just a few) together Friday for our "Fight Night".

The last time we hung out with Brody and Lauren, I made a "Epic Food Places" note in my phone...It's our "Bucket List" of places we keep talking about visiting. Maybe with it all organized, and in one place (instead of our scattered thoughts...) it'll motivate us to save the money, and make the damn drive!

I've kind of been keeping a note of some funny stuff being said here, and there on my phone...

Did I mention I am a hardcore iPhone lover? Love. It.

Love the new update too!

Here are a few for giggles:

  • Stanky was being bad so we let him play in the couch- Ferret Daycare.
  • Chris was looking for the TV remote and I was opening up my chicken nuggets so I said, "I dunno..." then started singing, "Carry on your way my son..." looked to the right and saw the remote and said, "Oh! Here it is." Chris' reply, "Sure, don't look for the remote and just sing Boston to me..."
  • One night Stanky was playing in the couch, and Stanky sneezed, and Chris giggled and said, "it sounded like the couch sneezed.

I think we're weird people....

Speaking of weird people, and their weird tendencies...

I've always been more of a "natural" inspired person, as in...I'm kind of a convenience hippie.

I don't know how many of us there are, but I know we exist...

I'm not hardcore dreadlocks, no bathing, barefoot, hairy'm such a stereotyper.

And I make up words! Woo!

BUT...I have been reading a LOT lately about the "No 'poo" movement. It's amazing the crap we learn from the internet, isn't it? My children won't know what life is like WITHOUT the internet, I barely do...I've been computer-active since I was 8 years old...


So the no 'poo consists of either NOT washing your hair at all (maybe water here and there but nothing else), or with non-conventional "shampoo"...which is what I'm using. I'll elaborate in another post, I don't want to mix this all up in one big rambling, just in case I need to re-link.

Anyway, I'm on day 5, and there's hope for my nasty hair. lol

It's not that dramatic...not for me anyway?

I don't know if I've ever written about this, but I also use a "Diva Cup" during my monthly "moon time".

I did not make that up. I stole it from someone else. lol

Since my IUD (which is the only hormone-free product on the market right now...besides the taking your temp/avoiding sex options) causes me to have heavier/crampier periods...

My moon time was never traumatic or anything I figured I could handle an increase in symptoms...and I can! I feel better for it, because I know I'm not injecting crap into my body, that doesn't necessarily need to be there. It has copper in it, which some people have issues with...but *knocks on wood* I've had it over 2 years and I must say, I love it.

The Diva Cup doesn't leak like tampons do, and I've NEVER been good with pads so that's not something I have a lot of experience with/interest in.

I have been playing with the idea of making cloth pads though for those ridiculously heavy days/work/back up.

I'd be more comfortable with cloth, than a big plastic and paper number between my legs.

Very unglamorous topic, I realize...

Ladies! It must be discussed, we must be informed, we must not be ashamed of our bodies, and their productions. Seriously, it'd be a lot easier for me to use my Diva Cup in public, if I could rinse the damn thing out in a sink...

I'm not here to product endorse, so you can Google it...just know it's silicone, zero chemicals (tampons have been bleached...), reusable, saves me moniesss.

And it's comfortable once you get used to "installing" it!

So, no 'poo isn't my first experiment in to the "chemical-free" world...I'm also a big fan of cleaning with either Dr. Bonner's dilluted soaps, baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, etc...

Confession: There's a commercial grade Tub and Tile cleaner that I fell in love with a long time ago. I choke and cough up blood (okay not really) every time I use it...but it's sooo amazing.

Scrubbing tubs no more!...Truth be told, if we stopped using all that ridiculous chemical laden product then our tubs wouldn't be so gross? Some food for thought.

I hope (by the end of 2012) that I've completely switched everyone in my household over to more natural products.

Fingers crossed.

I'm test driving everything myself, then I'll try to convince Chris...and Mally will fall into my footsteps, noooo problem.

List of things I hope to replace:




Bar Soap

Traditional Moisturizers

Oh, it can be done. Like I said, just convincing Chris...

I have a condensed version of my Goals for the New Year. :)

(appearing in no particular order, yet.)

  1. No 'poo. (Try to get Chris on board too...)
  2. Start switching over to more natural products.
  3. Continue easing into a healthier, more natural diet/lifestyle.
  4. New job. (No brainerrr.)
  5. Try to be more social, build stronger friendships/bonds. (I've got a little idea in the works.)
  6. Do more creative things, and document them.
  7. Continue to purge, and de-clutter.
  8. Be more active: More yoga, more sex. < My favorite.

That's not *everything* but it's the gist of my list. Nothing too major happening, just realistic goals I set for myself, to make me happier. :)

Okay! Onto the next one! <3

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Herro Bloggy Blog. <3

I missed you.

“Grammar is important. Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse & helping your uncle jack off a horse.”
-The S.S. Filthy Whore.

I’d like to begin with big ol’ Congratulations to my friend since high school, Hannah P.! She just had her first child, an adorable baby boy! I’m so happy for her, and her husband. They’re the most wonderful parents, I’m sure. <3

And did I mention I’m jealous? She keeps posting the cutest pictures of her little “Dill-Pickle” (cute nickname, right?!) and the videos! Oh, the videos! They make my ovaries dance.
I needs a babeh.
I needs a babeh soon.

Oh well.

I’ll live vicariously through my new-parent-friends until my day comes!
My friend Rocky has been sick, I haven’t always been able to be there by her side (the move and other life happenings) but I am SO glad she’s better now! We’re making plans to go see a movie…Breaking Dawn. Lulz. I can’t way to see more boobz too!

A friend of mine wrote a blog not too long ago, about karma, and how she tries to do nice things, so that nice things happen to her. I read a bit of doubt, from her, about the sincerity of her actions, because she feels like karma is…well…shitting on her. Or her air conditioning unit…(turns out that was just her neighbors being dick heads)…This person is pretty selfless, I have to admit. I’ve witnessed firsthand her sorrow for people who are walking on the side of the street/through parking lots. Matter of fact one day we were out thrifting together, and she saw a lady riding a motorized wheel chair across the parking lot, I thought she might cry about it!

I’ve seen her make posts on facebook about a friend’s friend’s relative that’s gone missing, or a friend’s friend’s family that lost their home to a fire, and needed clothing/personal care items. This may seem, like a small act, but really it’s not…she’s reaching possibly 100 other people, that might not get to see that…and besides, she’s showing she cares. Not a lot of people do these days. Her re-posts are actually worth reading, and if you DON’T pass it on to ten people, ghosts don’t kill you while you’re sleeping, or some ridiculous shit…better yet, no one asks you to repost it! She’s just spreading the word, thus spreading the love. <3

I don’t think her actions/thoughts/motives are insincere…I think they are very much sincere, and well placed. She has a big heart, and did I mention she’s strong?

Buff too.

Her most recent blog post, where she is painfully honest about her situation and her feelings towards it, really made me sad. If anyone deserves a change of luck right now, it’s her. She, just like anyone else in this world, deserves to be happy. She deserves to let herself be happy. To MAKE herself be happy. <3


So, update on my life...We’ve moved, and could not be happier in our new home. I purposefully chose a smaller house, but with bigger bathrooms/Kitchen. Score.
This house is so adorable! I love the neighborhood as well…
No galley, kitchen…plus it’s open to the living room! I can still talk to Chris/see what’s going on, while I’m cooking or cleaning. The master bed/bath makes me happy…So much space. Our old room was large yes, but our master bathroom was to be lol’d at… it was so tiny…with a small dark shower stall…We now have a huge jetted tub…with a window…lots of light. Loveeee it.

Bonus…No weird neighbors that camp out in their driveway directly behind my house.
Love love love it.

The move was super stressful, as all seem to be. I was really worried about stressing Chris out, and I didn’t want to do that with his crazy work schedule, so I devoted long long long nights home alone to packing. I literally packed every-fucking-thing by myself. *flexes* I’m really proud of myself.
When our friends arrived to help us move, I heard from them that Chris said, “She did really good, she packed this all herself!” …That brings a tear to my eye…It really does. <3

I was stressing out at the last minute trying to get people together to help us move…
Might I add that we are blessed with some of the best people, I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing? To the rescue came my dad and stepmother with their truck, trailer, and appliance dolly. We were able to round up Chad, and Gary! And as fate would have it Chris’ best friend Tim called the day before, and volunteered to help.

<3 These guys, and my parents are awesome.

I wish I had the chance to take more pictures, like when Tim was carrying our deep freezer by himself…LOL When Mally was beating the tree in the front yard with a little curtain rod…and running around squirting lemon juice in his mouth.

I’d also like to add that ALL these men, work. And half of them go to school while working their full time jobs, this includes my dad. And most of them have girlfriends! They took the time out of their super busy lives, to help us. That to me makes me feel special. <3 I truly hope that if they ever need something, we’re the ones they come to.

After moving for what seemed like forever, we went back to the old house to sit on the floor and eat pizza. It was actually kinda nice. We hadn’t had a chance to spend any time with any of these people in a while, so I consider it quality time.

I was surprised how long it took me to really adjust and feel comfortable here…I did a lot of cleaning…with bleach…I normally don’t use bleach…actually I RARELY use it…But it just made me feel better. It does feel like home though…unpacking/decorating helps a LOT. It’s amazing how comfortable one feels around their personal belongings. I’ve got shelves and things Chris needs to hang (high up lol)…and my clothes are overdue for another massive purge…possibly my art supplies too…Mally’s toys…

Oh yes. There will be purging.

Been kind of busy at work, and preparing (mentally, as far as physically not a whole lot’s got done. Lol) for next month’s activities. We had another Kid’s Workshop, this time with extra volunteers to help! Yeah, right. That dream was crushed and stepped on as soon as it appeared. It was much easier to set up outside, than it was to find a spot in lumber. Pain. In. The. Ass…But I learned a new word in Spanish!


Mine and Kem’s friend Maggie volunteered to help, and she actually got scheduled to help, and then someone on the front end went home sick…so she was stolen from us…and we were left to clean up…alone…again. We had a pretty good turnout though…so that makes us happy.
We had a Martha Stewart Do It Herself workshop…we showcased and demonstrated some of Martha’s new line of project paints. I will not lie; I do enjoy the glitter paint. It’s not the easiest to work with, but I’m getting pretty damn good. LOL

The terra cotta, and the crackle I could give two shits less about. That’s what old women like. I’m sorry. That’s the truth, and that’s how I feel, Kem. Oh, and Martha has some ugly ass colors. I’ve said that about her wall paint too. She just does. It all looks like muted shit from her wardrobe.

If you’re going to do color, do it right.

The textured metallics were interesting though. :)

We received all of the DIH promo stuff late…we did our best with the little flyers we could print though…There was no budget for this project, we really couldn’t mark anything down…basically cutting the entire workshop into a quarter of what it should’ve been. Whoever writes/comes up with the workshop does a really good job; I just don’t think a whole lot has been thought through about the store’s actually executing the plan…lack of budget, hours, scheduling, people, support, etc.

Next month Kem wanted to have a big Kids Workshop (like the first one) where we give out hot cocoa, and…other things I can’t remember. She wanted to have face painting again, and…popcorn? I really can’t remember. LOL

I’ve been slackin’ off…Thanksgiving is coming up, lot’s on my mind!
Chris has to work on Thanksgiving so, we will not be having family over…and we will not be going anywhere. I work Black Friday morning, so I’ll probably take a Xanax and go to bed super early…hehe.

I’ll be a cashier for Black Friday, that’ll be fun. Haven’t done that in a long time!

I hate how retail tries to create new holidays…I remember in the middle of the year we had some bull shit “New Black Friday” sale…and a week before Thanksgiving we’re having a “Pre Black Friday Sale”…and all the major retailers seem to be doing that shit…What the hell?
Somehow…Thanksgiving…has been turned into a consumerist’s holiday too.
Thanks for that, America.

Did I mention Thanksgiving is a bullshit holiday anyway?

Just like Columbus Day? Yup.

He did not “discover” America. Why does our education system continue to lie to us? Why does the Government?

To keep us ignorant, is to keep us controllable.
That’s how I feel.

Don’t get me wrong, it is, and always will be, a special day to eat like a fat ass, and spend time with loved ones…

Last year, we had one of the most stress-less Thanksgivings we’ve ever had in our lives…with my family! It was lovely! That is, until on the way home, my sister tells me she’s pregnant……

This year…I plan on it being even better.
As in, staying home, deviled eggs, pie, and jammies.
OR…and this idea just occurred to me…I could pick up dinner, and have dinner with Chris on his lunch break at work. <3

Just discussed it with him, it’s a date. Awww. <3

Things I’m looking forward to in the colder months:
1. Using the freakin’ fireplace! I’m so excited!
2. Homemade hot cocoa. You bet your sweet ass I know how.
3. Homemade marshmallows. LOVE them. Always make too much. Is that even possible?

Combining all three?
Is perfection.

I’ve lined up all my boxes of Christmas decorations, neatly for easy access…did I mention I’m not Christian?

So…why celebrate a Christian holiday?

Because it’s been turned into a consumer holiday.

Christmas Eve is when I celebrate with my family, and that time is special…but stressful. No plans are set in stone this year. I see no point in making plans, since things like this change…often. There’s always the chance that one of us, if not both will be at work too.

Oh well.

It’s merely a tradition-to-fit-in, I believe…Or maybe we just do it out of habit?
I’m not sure...
We do like giving/getting gifts for each other…and I love wrapping them…and decorating. It’s a damn good excuse to gay-ify your living room for a few weeks.

We have our own set of family traditions…since neither of our families do anything on Christmas Day, we spend the day together…eating Chinese food at our favorite local place. We started that tradition when we moved here. <3
Another tradition that we started when we first got together, we get each other ornaments for the tree. <3 Awwwws.

I started it by asking him while he was on a trip to Rockwall to bring me back an ornament, and he brought me back a little ceramic Starbucks cup ornament. <3

I love it.

I have a list of gifts that I want to make for my loved ones…I need to get my office unpacked so I can get on that shiiiit.

I will.


I did talk my lover into letting me have a REAL Christmas tree this year! I’m so excited! I’ve never had the pleasure of doing that. I know this is stupid/silly, but I didn’t even realize you COULD have a real tree, until I started working for Home Depot…I was an adult by then.
I have my heart set on a Douglas Fir! I’m in love with that shape/scent… I’M SO EXCITED!

There’s a black tinsel tree, I’ve got my eye on online though…I am very intrigued. I just hate shaping the fake ones. -____-

Maybe I should hire a tree fluffer?
That’s a great idea actually...

My Christmas Décor consists of things I’ve either made, or were handed down to me from family…some of the things are even from my Childhood Christmas’…which is special, I think…I cherish it. One of my favorite decorations, was a gift, my grandmother made me a few years ago…It’s a glass block made to look like a present, with lights…I usually stick it in a window and plug it in.

The Christmas party at work is coming up, Chris does not want to go…lol…I really don’t blame him. I’m looking for a date to take me I guess.

As usual it’s in some redneck joint (I cannot escape Paris-like places apparently…) Last year we had it at some shitty place, in a shitty town…it was kind of like having a company party at Crosswire…people from Paris…should get that reference.

Skyrim came out 11-11-11…and I’ve been in love ever since…The girl at Game Stop was going on and on about how exciting it was, but Zelda was coming out so she was really excited about that…Fuck Zelda. Who careees about Zelda!

This gal does not.

A fuck less, I give.

Skyrim<3 That’s where my heart is.

Love that game. It’s so freakin’ awesome.

Chris loves it too, so we’re constantly talking about it…playing/watching…

Speaking of Chris…I’ve already got him a Christmas present…shhhhhh. I’ve got to figure out a DAMN good hiding spot, or hurry and wrap it… It’s so freakin big and bulky…I can barely lift it. Lmfao
That’s all I can think of for now. <3

Saturday, October 22, 2011

So much ass and tittehs!

Tonight I went to my first ever burlesque show with one of the greatest people I've ever had the pleasure knowing! We had THE BEST time evarrrr.

I was so giddy all evening, in anticipation with the event.

I prepped my evening with catching up on a few episodes of "The Walking Dead", (my new fav show btw.) then a quick trip to wal-mart to pick up a "gawdy pirate necklace" for Rocky, and some zombie makeup for moi.
Surprise, I don't keep it all year long.

We were excited about seeing the show, it's something we've both talked about for a l0o0o0ng time.
Taking a class too!

But for me I wasn't GIDDY until I mentioned that they were encouraging people to dress up because it's Halloween themed...And Rocky's like, "let's do it!"
So, she busted out the sexy pirate wench costume...and I utilized my "naughty school girl" outfit...and became a zombie school girl... lol...

I died a little inside when I teased my hair like I did...but Rocky said it looked it was worth it.

I'm still sitting here in full costume/makeup/FUBAR'd hair... because I'm dreading washing this all off, and brushing my hair

Did I mention I'm covered in glitter?

I chose my makeup kit specifically because it had a huge tube of glitter...I have my own glitter, always will, but I felt drawn to this one. Totally worth it.

I was able to shop, shower, shave, make/put together my costume, do my hair, my makeup, answer the door to get my Jason's Deli order, and learn how to tie a tie. :D

Phew. I'm kinda tired.

So...more might be discussed at a later date.

My hero is Black Mariah. She's hot, and knows it.

We didn't win the costume contest, that was won by some asshole dressed up as Bob Ross. Who knew. lol.

We dodged flying cookies....

The drunk chick in front of us kept rubbing her purse on my tit, and the bitch behind us kept rubbing her tit on my elbow...

And...That's the summary! <3

Cheers! <3

Monday, October 17, 2011

I want a lot of profanity, with a lot of lost virginity.

Things I learned today...

  1. No matter how much you bust your ass, it's never enough.
  2. You can be in your mid 20's and still act like your in high school...and rock a mullet.
  3. You can do the above...simultaneously.
  4. Mindless Self Indulgence, video games, and Thai food make me feel g0o0o0o0o0od.
  5. When your apron is coming undone, and you lose your stack of colored papers...a good looking ponytailed man will get on his knees to help you pick them see some tittehs.
  6. You didn't mind.
  7. I can still blush.
  8. What baby paralysis means...and brofessional.
  9. Mens underwear can be knitted...and anatomically correct.
  10. Black pants are awesome.
  11. I'm an expert at "doing things myself".
  12. My boyfriend has hobo tendencies.
  13. It can be offensive, to some people, to verbally agree with the caption on their Facebook photos.

Monday's suck so much hardcore wenis... I can't even begin to describe my loathing. I will tell you though, because we're friends. Best friends. That I woke up 45 minutes late this morning...Called work to let them know, and when I realized that there was coverage...I slowed my roll. I enjoyed my morning, probably could have got some yoga in if I had really wanted.

I had macaroni and cheese, spongebob shaped. <3

I get to work 2 hours later than I was scheduled, and begin my day with Kid's Workshop activities! I have a lot do00o0o0o0o0o0o....It's okay. It's going to be awesome. Because Kem and I are awwweeesomeeee saawce.

Besides being awesome and doing carnie stuff, I actually took care of some real issues too! Ya' know stuff like...real service desk stuff! I talked to some vendors, I solved some problems, typed real fast and stuff...answered the a new apron.

The usual.

I was more productive today, than I was the other day when I locked myself out of my phone...that was devastating. I'm still suffering from the aftershock...

I stole all the blankies...So, what does Chris do? Grab a box from behind the couch...

See? He has hobo tendencies...

I'm really proud of the flyer I made for our Do It Hermothafukkin'Self Workshop! I can't waiiiiiitttttt!


I intend on being awesome. But I know we will be...It just happens that way.

Kem printed the DIH flyers, and the KWS flyers on these BRIGHT AS SHIT colored papers... that I love <3

I had them stacked on top of the Slice N' Dicer as I was walking out of the break room...At that moment my apron snapped at the top and it was about to fly open in an awkward I...I dunno...I guess I just lost it for a minute and let the colored giant confetti like materials fly into the floor..and the most dreadful way...

But then! As I'm kneeling down I see this grown ass man with tattoos, beard, and pony tail kneel down to help me! Matter of fact he's quick, he got most of it for me! I was so flustered.

I had to run to the paint desk to tell the first person I saw...which was Floyd...and he pointed out I was blushing...LOL.

Who knew?

I've learned a lot today...Kem's been teaching me new she does...."Basket Shopping"...That one creeps me out.

Thai makes me happy.

I love how they decorate the

I didn't make it to the Zombie Walk this year...instead I had a very nice Lady Date...and a margarita...thus resulting in the disabled iPhone....Heartbreak all around.


Jackson made this for me though and I lo0o0o0o0o00o0o0ove it!!!! <3

Super duper cute!

IRREGARDLESS (lolz)... I'm determined to make it out to the House of Blues Friday and ENJOY THE CRAP OUT OF MYSELF!
(another Lady Date.)
Don't be jealous.

I'm ready to get drunk and go sing some Karaoke! I'm ready to hang out with Nachelleeeeeee again! <3

I haven't seen Mystie in a minute either... :/

Kem and I were talking about earlier the awkward crumbs that end up in our bra...-big titty problems.

I could dedicate my blog to big titty problems...I really could.

The benefits outweigh the cons though...Hence, the man helping me pick up my paper vomit.

Victory Rolls...I learn this.

I need to redye my hair...the dark brown is fading FAST. I don't understand it! It's supposed to be a good brand that I used...Garnier I think...I had a coupon from the manufacturer to try a box "for free"....I haven't even been conditioning my hair really... and it' fast...I do like how it has a red tint to it in the sun...but the awkward blonde parts peeking through now? Negatory.

I've been trying to cut back on my starbucks...Tall's for me pleeeeaase.

Oh but how I love my cinnamon dolce frappuccino. <3

Oh how I do.

I hate when things are discontinued, and the manufacturer is like "Try this stupid shit instead"

No...Haagen Dazs...Butter pecan is not the same as Black walnut..Newp.

No Celestial Seasonings, "Morning Thunder" bullshitinacup tea is not the same as "Fast Lane" I'llrockyoursocksoffandyou'llbeamazingallday tea...

That's really how I feel about that.

Skyrim will be out in less than a month! I'm SO HAPPY!

I'm ready to get this move over with...still house hunting. We'll get there...we can do this...We'll move, and get unpacked/organized in time for thanksgiving...and we'll have an awesome one in our new home. <3

I'm ready for that!

There's so0o0o0 much going on in the month of NOVEMBER! Geezey Creezey.

...A lady friend of mine...asked me if I was still interested in gettin' my lady bits pierced...Why yes...yes I am...

Deuces Gooses. <3

Monday, September 26, 2011

Can I get an extra shot puh-lease?

I'll begin somewhere, around the beginning.
The 15th was my birthday and I spent the evening at Paradise burgers with the best friend...a girl could ever ask for. <3 I'm so happy she's back in my life. We picked up, like we never left off.

The 18th Chris and I went to the new restaurant in Chandler's Landing called, "Allure".

I'm in love.
The day started off as a nice and lazy one...we got up in the afternoon (we stayed up til 6 that morning), we get up and go get some Starbucks.<3 I suck down my "snickerdoodle" and before I know it...I'm shaking. I figured it was just because I hadn't ate yet! We get all fancied up, and head out to Allure. We get there and it's damn near empty...Perfect!
Our waiter's name was Griff, later to find out, he was a regular of Chris' at Home Depot, and he recognized me from my store as well.

Small world.

Griff was a great waiter, he pulled my chair out for me when I cam back from the restroom!
For appetizers I ordered the Oyster Rockefeller, and Chris had the Shrimp Jalapeno Poppers.

For our main course I ordered an 8 oz center cut top sirloin with garlic butter, truffle fries, and roasted corn.

And Chris had the Ahi Tuna Steak, crusted in sesame seeds on a bed of a mango risotto.

We both enjoyed our meals VERY much!
And here are some more pretty pictures...





After our meal we asked to speak to Chef Nay...she's a really good friend of ours. When she came out she was SO excited to see us!!! She hugged us and invited us to a dinner party at her house for the next night. THEN she came back and surprised us with this....

It was SO divine there. Everything was excellent. The food, the service, EVERYTHING. Our view was breathtaking...We watched the sunset, a sailboat, and even a lovely lightning storm before we left.
On our way home it started raining pretty hard, we were on 66 and had ZERO visibility. Chris' driving wasn't scary, it was the other assholes on the road that were freaking us out. We pulled into our Starbucks for shelter...We decided to wait it out for a bit...then it started to hail...then we noticed a circular form of wind/water beside us... it kind of freaked us out so Chris decided to make a mad dash to the door...he was counting down...I was worried about the hail so I grabbed my knit sweater that I keep in his car...
1...2...3 GO!
I open my door, and IMMEDIATELY the wind SLAMS IT SHUT pushing me back into the car, throwing my purse into the floorboard and EMPTYING IT. It sucked. So I gathered my things put my hood up and RAN LIKE CRAZY! I made it in unscathed. While we were hanging out we got some drinks, and chatted to people in there that we knew...Randomly this older guy comes up to my and waves...Ugh. Super creeper. I asked Jara who he was and she said it was just the Starbucks Creeper...I'm like..Nice. The wind kept blowing the doors open to Starbucks, it was intense! Finally things settled down to a steady rain, and we decided to head on home...we were after all just down the road. LOL

Might I add...the boy puts on a HELL of a Birthday Dinner for me. ;)

I love that man!

So, the other night I took a webinar about parenting. It discussed how to get kids to listen without yelling, repeating yourself...It was great. I loved it. It answered a lot of questions for me, and I feel like a better mom for having viewed it. Positive parenting FTW! <3

Last night I made half/half cookies...half were mini Reeses Pieces, and the other half were Andes Mint cookies. So00o0ooo0o good. Chris' Mom was in town, so I pawned half of them off on her, and her boyfriend. Hehehehe... <3


Food Porn.

The other night I got bored and did muh hurr.

I'm in kite-form at work...

I personally thought that was...odd...


This plan is growing on the side of my yard crew even mowed around it...I think it's cantaloupe.

I really enjoyed spending this evening with Chris' mom, and her boyfriend. We had a good time...and of course good food is always welcomed. They keep begging us to visit them in Broken Bow...I love that area, especially in the is BEAUTIFUL!
They won't have to beg for too much longer... It's just a matter of time off/money!
We did unfortunately run into the Starbucks Creeper again...Ugh.
He kept trying to sit closer to our table on the patio, and his cigarette smoke was choking me up he was so close...and then when we were getting ready to leave he asked Chris if I worked there...Thank God I don't! Freakin' stalker...

Then we went to Wal-Mart to pick up some necessities (deodorant, flea stuff, socks, etc...)
And Chris got me this!:

I freakin love them! They're so comfy! The have little grippies on the bottom that spell out "BOO"...So I don't bust my ass on the
It also came with a solid black pair too! Yay!

I've been spending a lot of time on YouTube tonight...Oh how I love internet junk<3
I found these...

I like that, I feel I could do better drawing her....


Okay...I like this concept...but I feel like both bows on both eyes...was too much.
E for effort!

Chris locked Stanky in the pantry earlier because he was playing in the bags...

I opened the door, to find
I need to try and get a video of Stanky running and JUMPING into the pile of bags...

Oh that big ol' silver bag on the bottom shelf?
That's an 8lb bag of espresso beans.

Recently the girl who did the Kids Workshops quit...She's a teacher now!
So my co-worker Kem, and I volunteered for the job!
Well...I think Kem volunteered, and then recruited me. We're partners in crime now!<3
I love working with Kem because she's SO ORGANIZED! She's got a little binder dedicated to it and everything!
October is Fire Safety Month, so she wants to do a specially themed Fire Safety/Kids Workshop Event! I'm so looking forward to it! I suggested face painting because, out of all the carnie work I sometimes do at my job, that's my favorite! I've been getting super inspired tonight...
I won't lie...I wasn't as excited as I am now about the whole ordeal...But I'm determined to make this a GREAT event for Kem. We've been shopping for supplies, and we have most of it...We got my little face painting kit, a candy bowl (she event painted it, and I'll be glittering it!), we enlisted Floydicus Maximus (another co-worker) to design our customer Fire Safety Kid's Workshop aprons! I've got to get mine later today to take home to paint! Kem's looks AWESOME!
I need to post pics....I'll do that later!

I'm super excited.
I guess I'm "feeling" it more now, because a.) it's closer and b.) I'm flowing with creative juices finally. I did paint/glitter/color 2 signs but, I felt like I was forcing my self to do

Punishment by glitter!
Oh, how I wish!

Things To Do Tomorrow:
  1. Get apron!
  2. Glitter bowl?
  3. Make a list/doodle of designs available.
  4. Get paintbrushes...
  5. Popsicles?
  6. Be awesome!
Okay...I think that's it! I can't wait...yes I can...I'm going to be so sleep deprived. LOL

Oh welllllll.... <3

Daily Affirmation: This is going to be the BEST Kid's Workshop EVER!<3

Friday, September 16, 2011

Middle Class Rut.

I had these silly preconceived notions about living in the suburbs. I blame the show Desperate Housewives for setting me up for failure. So far there’s been no betrayal, no plane crash, no kid swapping…Not even a single barbecue.

There was this one card game once…but that was an accident…and awkward one.

I thought suburban utopia would be summers full of pool parties and barbecues, and autumn with fall festivals and the constant aroma of freshly baked yummy things. I thought I would get to know all the families and our kids would play and grow up together…yeah…I’m actually surrounded by old people.

I do not know if that’s the curse of buying too young? Is it my punishment for being successful and having good credit? Karma must be dyslexic these days…Or at least a little bit to me.

There is no Bree with outstanding etiquette and lavish dinner parties, where she dotes on every guest… No artistic Susan who was incredibly klutzy, but sweet…No rich Hispanic chick to go shopping with…The Hispanic chic that lives here is nice lol…No Lynette with her amazing husband Tom, minivan full of kids, career…I don’t have any of those, no friends for poker night, no play date down the street…and god damnit the dinner parties! Running from house to house without worrying about knocking, or locking the doors at night…

That’s what I get for fantasizing I suppose. I grew up living in the country so I never really had neighbors, we did but they were a mile down the road…and extremely old.

Oh well. We’re still young, and that’s probably part of the problem…

I did have a wonderful birthday! Chris had to work, so we’ll be formally celebrating on Sunday at Allure with friends...but last night I spent the entire evening with a really really dear friend…I’m so excited she’s back in my life.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Keep yo' negativity to yo' self, fool.

Something I can not tolerate: Negative people.

Do they even bother to think, before they let some negative shit fall out of your gaping pie-holes? It just happens, and they have no remorse. No, "I'm sorry", or "That's the worst case scenario"...No reassurance, or support what so ever. I do not understand why people think it is okay to just interject their own negative thoughts into something you've just shared with them. Without even knowing all the details, they just assume and jump to conclusions...

Me: (I was explaining the really awesome benefits of Chris' new job...)...and he's on 3rd shift...
Co-Worker: (before I even finish telling her what 3rd shift means...) Oh! You'll never see him! Get used to that!

Actually...I even explained this afterwards...He gets off at 1:30 am...He's not gone all night.

Here are few of the many pros:
  • I have a lot of free time! (My house sparkles!)
  • He only has to work 4 nights a week.
  • Makes HELLA MONEY!
  • We cherish our time together now.
  • He's happy, not pissed off, when he gets off...but he is wore out from the 10-12 hour shift.<3
I'll get used to it all right, I'll get spoiled, and in return spoil him. lol...

I guess negative people get me down, because that's where I come from. My entire family is negative, whether they know it, or mean it...They just are, and I grew up in that...For the longest time I wasn't even aware someone could escape that. I just thought it was normal, I wasn't even aware at exactly how negative they were...until I got completely away.

I haven't been to visit anyone in Paris in...almost a year...and I much better for it. I see my dad and step mom here and there, because they choose to have a relationship with me and my son...but they were never the negative ones.

I've escaped, I have most of the support that I've been craving, and that's what matters.

Chris is amazing in that aspect, he never belittles me, or makes me feel ashamed just because I want to do something that might not seem "normal... My interest in tattoos/piercings he's always supported, my journaling, my religious beliefs, my desire to bake and experiment in the dabblings in taxidermy... my yarn work... my makeup...none of that has he EVER discouraged.

And for that I love him. <3

I've been working out my arms and thighs and OH MY GOODNESS!
This girl was s0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 sore! But it did feel SO good! I loved it! I've changed my goal size because, I know I can do it! I've got the fire that I used to have when it was just me and Rocky working out! I thought I needed an outside source of support, but I don't! The only support I need is from Chris, and my desire to have a healthy body! (For future babies!)
Of course, if I'm in better shape, I'd be a better mother to Malachi. I could play longer with him, and I'd be more motivated to walk to the park more often. Not that I don't do that now...It's just the weather is SO DANG HOT...we'd die before we got there... lol...

My present and future family is the only motivation I need!

I have been going to the bridge here and there with Mystie...I even walked around the neighborhood one night...But I don't think walking is necessarily my thing...Walking is not a struggle for me, I can walk...I do all day...Maybe I'm just bored with that?

I need to start hitting the gym more often...need to use that stupid membership LOL.

Affirmation: I can do great things, for myself and others, with the support that I am offered by my family. <3

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rain, rain, come and stay! Make me a Happy Panda alllll day!

Today, from the very beginning, has been absolutely...pretty much wonderful. <3
My day starts off with a nice summer thunderstorm.
I love you, Texas.
When you're not being a bastard, that is. Either with your droughts, tornado's, hail, or fuggin ice storms...
Give it a rest!

The day began with Chris leaving for work, his first day at his new job. <3
I wished him a good day, and told him I loved him...then listened to the rain for a bit... Eventually Malachi got up and came into my room to snuggle.


Then the Terminix technician came 20 minutes early... Ugh. LOL
I wasn't even up...I get up, I brush my teeth, and somewhat brush my hair...I answer the door, let him do his thing...

Take that spiders!

I guess the lack of water/rain has made them seek it out in our house...Lesson learned...for them.
After the technician left, Malachi and I, got some brunch from Wendy's...came home and watched Shrek Forever...that movie was tooo0o0o cute!

That was my favorite scene!
When Chris got home, I made him sit down and watch this too...we lol'd.
Chris came home at a surprisingly early hour, caught me in the middle of folding laundry, and watching brainmeltinglyhorribleforyou T.V.... lol

He brought me home Starbucks, and he was so excited to tell me about his day! The company bought him a brand new pair of steel toe Doc Marten boots! Gave him a little hard hat with his name on it, he's got his own locker and such...They offer cleaning services for the uniforms they also provide... Any overtime he gets, he KEEPS! How exciting!!! He met all his mangers/supervisors today, and they took him out to lunch! He was just so happy, and excited...he's really looking forward to progressing, and getting to know these people better. He told me they have big to-do Christmas parties, (I'M SO EXCITED!!!!) he knows I look forward to stuff like that! And this year he'll actually want to go to his own company Christmas party! lol!
The best part was that everyone he talked to, in a no bullshit sort of way, told him they were happy there, and that it was a great company.

After starting at HD we both discovered groups of people who were like, "FML", and "I'm going to burn this mother down!" LOL

That was just the mentality one takes on, after so many years of soul sucking...I know, I experience it. I just "celebrated" my 4th year. final. *fingers and toes crossed*

I got a lot done around the house today, in hopes that I can get to Malachi's room tomorrow. It requires a MASSIVE amount of re-organizing. That boy has TORE IT UP, and of course moving my office junk in there has not helped...Oh well, room mate is gone, so my office is now available. ;)

I just have to re-locate that junk so I can re-do his room, then I'm off to re-claim my office...with a bit-o-paint. My fav. lol

Some things have been occurring lately on Facebook, that I no likey. Like...Stop fucking suggesting people, that I thought I had blocked! Can't you MIND READ? Geeze. The ad's on the left make me think you can! lol....
This should be under, "People You May Not Want to Know."

On a happier note, today I signed up for my very first crochet class!
Everything I do has been self-taught, but my grandmother initially taught me when I was 8...I never bothered to learn to read a's my own damn fault. Lately I've been following some, and I can work my way through it, but I felt like I was ready for a bit more formal training.
The best thing about this crochet class is it's geared towards curvy crocheter's! It discusses techniques and tips for plus size clothing articles, and how to adjust patterns, etc etc even has a pattern, and it discusses making a dress form...and it's alllll onlineeeeeee!


So cheers to things looking brighter, and Texas getting some more, and very much so, needed rain!<3<3<3

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ettiquette for the Ignorant.

My dad and stepmom surprised me this afternoon by wanting to take me out for my birthday! It's 2 weeks early, but they were just making sure they could spend some time with me.

I do adore my family.

I suggested Cheddars, because Chris and I love it, and it's just plain ol' good eats!

Forgetting it's Sunday, and that we chose to go around noon...We were bombarded with people who just got out of church...Dear Lord save us.

So, we're sitting in the little waiting area waiting for our name to be called, and across from us is sitting a family. The family consisted of a VERY improper female, who was wearing a skirt. The skirt had a split up the center of it, and she was sitting on the bench as if she were riding a horse, damn near...I was...disgusted to say the least. They kept eyeballin' us and it was pissing me off.

Darling, this is how a real lady sits, with her legs TOGETHER. I'm not airin' out my junk, and I'm damn sure not showing it off, AFTER CHURCH.


We're finally called so we go in head inside, Chris gets stuck holding the door for a bunch of inconsiderate assholes...nothing gets under my skin more, than when someone does not say, "Thank you."

That's it! It's two fucking words, and you act like you're too good to say it. Definitely not too good to let ANOTHER man whole the door open for your family! That's for sure!

So...we sit down, we eat, the meal was great...Tammy and my Dad loved it... the waiter was great! We go to leave...Chris is in front, and it takes us a bit to weave in and out of all the people, it's really really busy in there. We get to the door, and Chris goes to open it for me, and I am face to face with a very VERY tall man carrying a car seat. I move out of the way, because he is not hesitating to knock my ass down...Then I see behind him a whole family of (his) fucktards waiting to come through...

Not today. The door closest to them was unused, it just wasn't being held open for them. I threw my elbows around until I got them out of the way, the whole time saying, " no!" heard one of the tard's say "Okay!" and go for the other door.

Good choice, idiot.

Just because...your man isn't decent enough to hold the door open for you, doesn't mean MINE has to be. And you know what, coming from someone who knows, carriers only require ONE hand. Especially on a man that size.
So, they can suck it.

After lunch we decided to go to Town East Mall....I had no fucking idea it would be as busy as it was, this shows, we do not get out often enough.

We get there, we park, we go in...we go into some ghetto ass pet store that was HORRIBLE.

There were bunnies there with congestive issues, and ulcers on their eyes (grossssss) was SO sad. :(...

There were birds with their feathers picked off, dirty fish tanks, and all the animals had dirty water bowls.

We washed our hands after leaving...there was just no excuse for the cruelty I had witnessed in there.

It's bad enough these animals are subjected to children finger fucking their cages, at all times of the day...

...we wander further into the mall...looking for a Starbucks...this is my problem at this point, no caffeine. :/

We find the mall directory and we walk up to it...Well...Some blonde fourteen year old bitch thought she'd slam into me, and as she's walking away say, "Stop in front of me why don'tcha!" ....
Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have fucked with? That's me.

She must not have known that. SINCE she probably was underage, and my family was with me...I only said, "YOU can walk around." She looked back, and then turned around and kept walking. LOL

If you wake up in the morning, and you put on your big girl panties, and you're feeling froggy enough to talk SHOULD be able to back it up too, right? Isn't that like...common courtesy?

At the very least?

Don't get me excited, and then not produce!

I guess I'm just raging... lol... Crazy woman hormones and such...I love being female.

I don't know why men aren't injecting Estrogen as a steroid! So what if it makes you want to sew and carry a purse! That's just one more thing you can beat down a mother fucker with.

Just saying...

Let's talk about etiquette for a second! (Or really fucking good rules to live by.)

  1. Sit with your fucking legs closed. No one wants to see your business, not even God.
  2. If you're going to mouth to an elder, you better be able to handle what happens next.
  3. ALWAYS hold the door open for a lady. Always. I don't care if you are carrying the baby.
  4. Do not speed through a gas station parking lot, causing me to almost T-bone you, like you're fucking speed racer. I will find you at the stop light.
  5. Always offer your guests a drink when they visit.
  6. Remove your shoes before entering a guests house, if they ask you to.
  7. Try to remember to wear panties when you wear a short skirt. :/
  8. When you're getting it on with your teenage girlfriend, shut your fucking bedroom door.
  9. Don't talk trash about your girlfriend in front of other girls, it will be seared into their memory haunt you.
  10. Always say thank you when someone wishes you a, "Happy Birthday".

Okay, that's it....Now I feel better! :D