I missed you.
“Grammar is important. Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse & helping your uncle jack off a horse.”
-The S.S. Filthy Whore.
I’d like to begin with big ol’ Congratulations to my friend since high school, Hannah P.! She just had her first child, an adorable baby boy! I’m so happy for her, and her husband. They’re the most wonderful parents, I’m sure. <3
And did I mention I’m jealous? She keeps posting the cutest pictures of her little “Dill-Pickle” (cute nickname, right?!) and the videos! Oh, the videos! They make my ovaries dance.
I needs a babeh.
I needs a babeh soon.
Oh well.
I’ll live vicariously through my new-parent-friends until my day comes!
My friend Rocky has been sick, I haven’t always been able to be there by her side (the move and other life happenings) but I am SO glad she’s better now! We’re making plans to go see a movie…Breaking Dawn. Lulz. I can’t way to see more boobz too!
A friend of mine wrote a blog not too long ago, about karma, and how she tries to do nice things, so that nice things happen to her. I read a bit of doubt, from her, about the sincerity of her actions, because she feels like karma is…well…shitting on her. Or her air conditioning unit…(turns out that was just her neighbors being dick heads)…This person is pretty selfless, I have to admit. I’ve witnessed firsthand her sorrow for people who are walking on the side of the street/through parking lots. Matter of fact one day we were out thrifting together, and she saw a lady riding a motorized wheel chair across the parking lot, I thought she might cry about it!
I’ve seen her make posts on facebook about a friend’s friend’s relative that’s gone missing, or a friend’s friend’s family that lost their home to a fire, and needed clothing/personal care items. This may seem, like a small act, but really it’s not…she’s reaching possibly 100 other people, that might not get to see that…and besides, she’s showing she cares. Not a lot of people do these days. Her re-posts are actually worth reading, and if you DON’T pass it on to ten people, ghosts don’t kill you while you’re sleeping, or some ridiculous shit…better yet, no one asks you to repost it! She’s just spreading the word, thus spreading the love. <3
I don’t think her actions/thoughts/motives are insincere…I think they are very much sincere, and well placed. She has a big heart, and did I mention she’s strong?
Buff too.
Her most recent blog post, where she is painfully honest about her situation and her feelings towards it, really made me sad. If anyone deserves a change of luck right now, it’s her. She, just like anyone else in this world, deserves to be happy. She deserves to let herself be happy. To MAKE herself be happy. <3
So, update on my life...We’ve moved, and could not be happier in our new home. I purposefully chose a smaller house, but with bigger bathrooms/Kitchen. Score.
This house is so adorable! I love the neighborhood as well…
No galley, kitchen…plus it’s open to the living room! I can still talk to Chris/see what’s going on, while I’m cooking or cleaning. The master bed/bath makes me happy…So much space. Our old room was large yes, but our master bathroom was to be lol’d at… it was so tiny…with a small dark shower stall…We now have a huge jetted tub…with a window…lots of light. Loveeee it.
Bonus…No weird neighbors that camp out in their driveway directly behind my house.
Love love love it.
The move was super stressful, as all seem to be. I was really worried about stressing Chris out, and I didn’t want to do that with his crazy work schedule, so I devoted long long long nights home alone to packing. I literally packed every-fucking-thing by myself. *flexes* I’m really proud of myself.
When our friends arrived to help us move, I heard from them that Chris said, “She did really good, she packed this all herself!” …That brings a tear to my eye…It really does. <3
I was stressing out at the last minute trying to get people together to help us move…
Might I add that we are blessed with some of the best people, I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing? To the rescue came my dad and stepmother with their truck, trailer, and appliance dolly. We were able to round up Chad, and Gary! And as fate would have it Chris’ best friend Tim called the day before, and volunteered to help.
<3 These guys, and my parents are awesome.
I wish I had the chance to take more pictures, like when Tim was carrying our deep freezer by himself…LOL When Mally was beating the tree in the front yard with a little curtain rod…and running around squirting lemon juice in his mouth.
I’d also like to add that ALL these men, work. And half of them go to school while working their full time jobs, this includes my dad. And most of them have girlfriends! They took the time out of their super busy lives, to help us. That to me makes me feel special. <3 I truly hope that if they ever need something, we’re the ones they come to.
After moving for what seemed like forever, we went back to the old house to sit on the floor and eat pizza. It was actually kinda nice. We hadn’t had a chance to spend any time with any of these people in a while, so I consider it quality time.
I was surprised how long it took me to really adjust and feel comfortable here…I did a lot of cleaning…with bleach…I normally don’t use bleach…actually I RARELY use it…But it just made me feel better. It does feel like home though…unpacking/decorating helps a LOT. It’s amazing how comfortable one feels around their personal belongings. I’ve got shelves and things Chris needs to hang (high up lol)…and my clothes are overdue for another massive purge…possibly my art supplies too…Mally’s toys…
Oh yes. There will be purging.
Been kind of busy at work, and preparing (mentally, as far as physically not a whole lot’s got done. Lol) for next month’s activities. We had another Kid’s Workshop, this time with extra volunteers to help! Yeah, right. That dream was crushed and stepped on as soon as it appeared. It was much easier to set up outside, than it was to find a spot in lumber. Pain. In. The. Ass…But I learned a new word in Spanish!
Mine and Kem’s friend Maggie volunteered to help, and she actually got scheduled to help, and then someone on the front end went home sick…so she was stolen from us…and we were left to clean up…alone…again. We had a pretty good turnout though…so that makes us happy.
We had a Martha Stewart Do It Herself workshop…we showcased and demonstrated some of Martha’s new line of project paints. I will not lie; I do enjoy the glitter paint. It’s not the easiest to work with, but I’m getting pretty damn good. LOL
The terra cotta, and the crackle I could give two shits less about. That’s what old women like. I’m sorry. That’s the truth, and that’s how I feel, Kem. Oh, and Martha has some ugly ass colors. I’ve said that about her wall paint too. She just does. It all looks like muted shit from her wardrobe.
If you’re going to do color, do it right.
The textured metallics were interesting though. :)
We received all of the DIH promo stuff late…we did our best with the little flyers we could print though…There was no budget for this project, we really couldn’t mark anything down…basically cutting the entire workshop into a quarter of what it should’ve been. Whoever writes/comes up with the workshop does a really good job; I just don’t think a whole lot has been thought through about the store’s actually executing the plan…lack of budget, hours, scheduling, people, support, etc.
Next month Kem wanted to have a big Kids Workshop (like the first one) where we give out hot cocoa, and…other things I can’t remember. She wanted to have face painting again, and…popcorn? I really can’t remember. LOL
I’ve been slackin’ off…Thanksgiving is coming up, lot’s on my mind!
Chris has to work on Thanksgiving so, we will not be having family over…and we will not be going anywhere. I work Black Friday morning, so I’ll probably take a Xanax and go to bed super early…hehe.
I’ll be a cashier for Black Friday, that’ll be fun. Haven’t done that in a long time!
I hate how retail tries to create new holidays…I remember in the middle of the year we had some bull shit “New Black Friday” sale…and a week before Thanksgiving we’re having a “Pre Black Friday Sale”…and all the major retailers seem to be doing that shit…What the hell?
Somehow…Thanksgiving…has been turned into a consumerist’s holiday too.
Thanks for that, America.
Did I mention Thanksgiving is a bullshit holiday anyway?
Just like Columbus Day? Yup.
He did not “discover” America. Why does our education system continue to lie to us? Why does the Government?
To keep us ignorant, is to keep us controllable.
That’s how I feel.
Don’t get me wrong, it is, and always will be, a special day to eat like a fat ass, and spend time with loved ones…
Last year, we had one of the most stress-less Thanksgivings we’ve ever had in our lives…with my family! It was lovely! That is, until on the way home, my sister tells me she’s pregnant……
This year…I plan on it being even better.
As in, staying home, deviled eggs, pie, and jammies.
OR…and this idea just occurred to me…I could pick up dinner, and have dinner with Chris on his lunch break at work. <3
Just discussed it with him, it’s a date. Awww. <3
Things I’m looking forward to in the colder months:
1. Using the freakin’ fireplace! I’m so excited!
2. Homemade hot cocoa. You bet your sweet ass I know how.
3. Homemade marshmallows. LOVE them. Always make too much. Is that even possible?
1. Using the freakin’ fireplace! I’m so excited!
2. Homemade hot cocoa. You bet your sweet ass I know how.
3. Homemade marshmallows. LOVE them. Always make too much. Is that even possible?
Combining all three?
Is perfection.
I’ve lined up all my boxes of Christmas decorations, neatly for easy access…did I mention I’m not Christian?
So…why celebrate a Christian holiday?
Because it’s been turned into a consumer holiday.
Christmas Eve is when I celebrate with my family, and that time is special…but stressful. No plans are set in stone this year. I see no point in making plans, since things like this change…often. There’s always the chance that one of us, if not both will be at work too.
Oh well.
It’s merely a tradition-to-fit-in, I believe…Or maybe we just do it out of habit?
I’m not sure...
We do like giving/getting gifts for each other…and I love wrapping them…and decorating. It’s a damn good excuse to gay-ify your living room for a few weeks.We have our own set of family traditions…since neither of our families do anything on Christmas Day, we spend the day together…eating Chinese food at our favorite local place. We started that tradition when we moved here. <3
Another tradition that we started when we first got together, we get each other ornaments for the tree. <3 Awwwws.
I started it by asking him while he was on a trip to Rockwall to bring me back an ornament, and he brought me back a little ceramic Starbucks cup ornament. <3
I love it.
I have a list of gifts that I want to make for my loved ones…I need to get my office unpacked so I can get on that shiiiit.I will.
I did talk my lover into letting me have a REAL Christmas tree this year! I’m so excited! I’ve never had the pleasure of doing that. I know this is stupid/silly, but I didn’t even realize you COULD have a real tree, until I started working for Home Depot…I was an adult by then.
I have my heart set on a Douglas Fir! I’m in love with that shape/scent… I’M SO EXCITED!
There’s a black tinsel tree, I’ve got my eye on online though…I am very intrigued. I just hate shaping the fake ones. -____-
Maybe I should hire a tree fluffer?
That’s a great idea actually...
My Christmas Décor consists of things I’ve either made, or were handed down to me from family…some of the things are even from my Childhood Christmas’…which is special, I think…I cherish it. One of my favorite decorations, was a gift, my grandmother made me a few years ago…It’s a glass block made to look like a present, with lights…I usually stick it in a window and plug it in.
The Christmas party at work is coming up, Chris does not want to go…lol…I really don’t blame him. I’m looking for a date to take me I guess.
As usual it’s in some redneck joint (I cannot escape Paris-like places apparently…) Last year we had it at some shitty place, in a shitty town…it was kind of like having a company party at Crosswire…people from Paris…should get that reference.
Skyrim came out 11-11-11…and I’ve been in love ever since…The girl at Game Stop was going on and on about how exciting it was, but Zelda was coming out so she was really excited about that…Fuck Zelda. Who careees about Zelda!
This gal does not.
A fuck less, I give.
Skyrim<3 That’s where my heart is.
Love that game. It’s so freakin’ awesome.
Chris loves it too, so we’re constantly talking about it…playing/watching…
Speaking of Chris…I’ve already got him a Christmas present…shhhhhh. I’ve got to figure out a DAMN good hiding spot, or hurry and wrap it… It’s so freakin big and bulky…I can barely lift it. Lmfao
That’s all I can think of for now. <3
I love you Kayla.