Thursday, March 15, 2012

Crazy shiiioottt.

Is it crazy, that I am head over feet (Alanis refernece :P) in love with a contact sport? And that I'm training to play it? Or that I'm also in love with the AMAZING women I've been meeting that play it as well?
I think so...because it hurts to sit down.

Pain is only temporary though, all my wounds from my first practice, will heal and make room for new ones.

I'm sure I'm going to make some bonds and acquire some friendships that will last me my lifetime. <3

And that I am so thankful for.

I cried on the way home from my first practice last night. Not because my butt was aching, or my fingers on my right hand were super sore. Because of the things I learned tonight, and the women who helped me do AMAZING things, on skates.

What IS crazy is the store flooding. THAT was nuts.

Long story short, a water line busted flooded the foundation, water was shooting up through the cracks in the concrete. It was nuts. It took them 3 hours to handle a potentially dangerous situation last Saturday morning. All week we've had crews in here cleaning/repairing/stocking etc... It was nuts.

I haven't been back to work since. I was told I could take that Sunday off if I wanted, so I did. I wasn't scheduled to go in again until today, and whoa buddy! It's soooo crazy not dealing with customers...Except I am...I'm answering the phone, as well as their nosey/dumb questions....

"Do ya'll have lettuce plants in? Is garden open?"


And a whole lotta "what happened?" questions..blah.

I intended to write more...but... Later.

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