Things I learned today...
- No matter how much you bust your ass, it's never enough.
- You can be in your mid 20's and still act like your in high school...and rock a mullet.
- You can do the above...simultaneously.
- Mindless Self Indulgence, video games, and Thai food make me feel g0o0o0o0o0od.
- When your apron is coming undone, and you lose your stack of colored papers...a good looking ponytailed man will get on his knees to help you pick them see some tittehs.
- You didn't mind.
- I can still blush.
- What baby paralysis means...and brofessional.
- Mens underwear can be knitted...and anatomically correct.
- Black pants are awesome.
- I'm an expert at "doing things myself".
- My boyfriend has hobo tendencies.
- It can be offensive, to some people, to verbally agree with the caption on their Facebook photos.
Monday's suck so much hardcore wenis... I can't even begin to describe my loathing. I will tell you though, because we're friends. Best friends. That I woke up 45 minutes late this morning...Called work to let them know, and when I realized that there was coverage...I slowed my roll. I enjoyed my morning, probably could have got some yoga in if I had really wanted.
I had macaroni and cheese, spongebob shaped. <3
I get to work 2 hours later than I was scheduled, and begin my day with Kid's Workshop activities! I have a lot do00o0o0o0o0o0o....It's okay. It's going to be awesome. Because Kem and I are awwweeesomeeee saawce.
Besides being awesome and doing carnie stuff, I actually took care of some real issues too! Ya' know stuff like...real service desk stuff! I talked to some vendors, I solved some problems, typed real fast and stuff...answered the a new apron.
The usual.
I was more productive today, than I was the other day when I locked myself out of my phone...that was devastating. I'm still suffering from the aftershock...

I stole all the blankies...So, what does Chris do? Grab a box from behind the couch...

See? He has hobo tendencies...
I'm really proud of the flyer I made for our Do It Hermothafukkin'Self Workshop! I can't waiiiiiitttttt!

I intend on being awesome. But I know we will be...It just happens that way.
Kem printed the DIH flyers, and the KWS flyers on these BRIGHT AS SHIT colored papers... that I love <3

I had them stacked on top of the Slice N' Dicer as I was walking out of the break room...At that moment my apron snapped at the top and it was about to fly open in an awkward I...I dunno...I guess I just lost it for a minute and let the colored giant confetti like materials fly into the floor..and the most dreadful way...
But then! As I'm kneeling down I see this grown ass man with tattoos, beard, and pony tail kneel down to help me! Matter of fact he's quick, he got most of it for me! I was so flustered.
I had to run to the paint desk to tell the first person I saw...which was Floyd...and he pointed out I was blushing...LOL.
Who knew?
I've learned a lot today...Kem's been teaching me new she does...."Basket Shopping"...That one creeps me out.
Thai makes me happy.
I love how they decorate the
I didn't make it to the Zombie Walk this year...instead I had a very nice Lady Date...and a margarita...thus resulting in the disabled iPhone....Heartbreak all around.
Jackson made this for me though and I lo0o0o0o0o00o0o0ove it!!!! <3
Super duper cute!
IRREGARDLESS (lolz)... I'm determined to make it out to the House of Blues Friday and ENJOY THE CRAP OUT OF MYSELF!
(another Lady Date.)
Don't be jealous.
I'm ready to get drunk and go sing some Karaoke! I'm ready to hang out with Nachelleeeeeee again! <3
I haven't seen Mystie in a minute either... :/
Kem and I were talking about earlier the awkward crumbs that end up in our bra...-big titty problems.
I could dedicate my blog to big titty problems...I really could.
The benefits outweigh the cons though...Hence, the man helping me pick up my paper vomit.
Victory Rolls...I learn this.
I need to redye my hair...the dark brown is fading FAST. I don't understand it! It's supposed to be a good brand that I used...Garnier I think...I had a coupon from the manufacturer to try a box "for free"....I haven't even been conditioning my hair really... and it' fast...I do like how it has a red tint to it in the sun...but the awkward blonde parts peeking through now? Negatory.
I've been trying to cut back on my starbucks...Tall's for me pleeeeaase.
Oh but how I love my cinnamon dolce frappuccino.
<3Oh how I do.
I hate when things are discontinued, and the manufacturer is like "Try this stupid shit instead"
No...Haagen Dazs...Butter pecan is not the same as Black walnut..Newp.
No Celestial Seasonings, "Morning Thunder" bullshitinacup tea is not the same as "Fast Lane" I'llrockyoursocksoffandyou'llbeamazingallday tea...
That's really how I feel about that.
Skyrim will be out in less than a month! I'm SO HAPPY!
I'm ready to get this move over with...still house hunting. We'll get there...we can do this...We'll move, and get unpacked/organized in time for thanksgiving...and we'll have an awesome one in our new home. <3
I'm ready for that!There's so0o0o0 much going on in the month of NOVEMBER! Geezey Creezey.
...A lady friend of mine...asked me if I was still interested in gettin' my lady bits pierced...Why yes...yes I am...
Deuces Gooses. <3